Neuromonics awarded $1 million for study
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Sad to think that this is the the current state of greed and so called progress for tinnitus. A high priced mp3 player @ 4000-5000 dollars. Of course military soldiers will get their's free at...
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What a waste of money, could have been put towards cure research not "oh, lets try to trick my brain therapy" research.
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This is why I no longer donate to the ATA.
View ArticleRe: Neuromonics awarded $1 million for study
The ATA didn't give the money to Neuromonics, Congress did. Lou, why wouldn't you give the ATA money for the other various research that is going on in many parts of the country?
View ArticleRe: Neuromonics awarded $1 million for study
To listen to classical music? That's what I did. Still do. Has a wide range of frequencies.
View ArticleRe: Neuromonics awarded $1 million for study
Daniel wrote: To listen to classical music? That's what I did. Still do. Has a wide range of frequencies. Hi Daniel-- Yeah--classical music is doing it for me too. Do you have any recommendations? I...
View ArticleRe: Neuromonics awarded $1 million for study
Sad too that the money should go to something like that. How is real research going. Are we any nearer a cure - what about new meds? what about stem cell? G.
View ArticleRe: Neuromonics awarded $1 million for study
I wonder if they could avoid tinnitus entirely by playing some sort of sound into headphones while the soldiers are setting off bombs.
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